Visitorhouse – Tourist Places Magento Theme

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To help you build a website for your travel business, we present to you the most stylish, responsive, and comprehensive Tourist Places Magento theme. The style and professionalism of this theme are so perfectly matching with travel businesses. Travel Agents, Travel Booking Agencies, Traveling Gear Shops, Travel Luggage Stores, and other related areas can quickly use this theme and get started with their website. This theme has been designed with some impeccable features and functionalities. It includes Google Font integration, coloring options, grid layout, cross-browser compatibility, support for multiple languages, RTL support, social share buttons, custom CSS & JS integration, a stunning photo gallery, speed optimization, SEO optimization, color & typography, payment gateways compatibility, and more. It comes with many pre-designed pages so that it gets pretty simple to start. However, It also offers you the flexibility to create as many pages as you may want.

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Published on: November 2, 2021
Modified on:November 2, 2021
Downloads: 25
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