Sketchoo Studio – Online Sketch Store Magento Theme

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This Online Sketch Store Magento theme is a great option to create a fully functional art gallery store website. It is crafted with up-to-date and clean layouts and brilliant UX & UI design elements. It is easy to customize, so you will be able to change or edit color combinations, typography, font style, images, text, and more. Because it comes with Google Font integration, coloring options, custom CSS & JS integration, and more. Furthermore, it offers you many other features such as social share icons, unique favicons, RTL support, grid layout, cross-browser compatibility, support for multiple languages, SEO optimization, speed optimization, YouTube video integration, and more. This theme is built using the Bootstrap framework, CSS3, and HTML5. The design you may want for your website can be quickly achieved with this theme. Anyone from a novice designer to a professional web developer can use this theme without a hitch.

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Published on: October 27, 2021
Modified on:October 27, 2021
Downloads: 5
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