Sheltero – Online Dog Shelter Store Magento Theme

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If you are providing some really super cool services or products for pets and you are looking for a solution to create a website, then you have hit the right spot. Here at TemplateToaster, you will find the best Online Dog Shelter Store Magento Theme suitable for all types of pet stores, animal shelters, pet salons, animal care centers, pet grooming centers, and all other types of pet store websites. It comes with Google Font integration, color scheme, grid layout, cross-browser compatibility, stunning photo gallery, support for multiple languages, speed optimization, social share buttons, unique favicons, YouTube and custom videos integration in the header or footer, RTL support, compatibility for all major payment gateways, and more. It is built with CSS3 and HTML5. Furthermore, with the availability of custom CSS and JS, it gets easier to add any custom functionality however you like it. You can easily and comfortably customize the entire look and appearance without making any extra effort. It is built using the Bootstrap framework so your website can be swiftly accessed via all kinds of devices from smartphones laptops to personal computers.

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Published on: October 6, 2021
Modified on:October 6, 2021
Downloads: 178
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