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in Wordpress Themes by apache39 (120 points)
I have just come over from artisteer, i have spent hours playing with this and love the various effects. However i cannot seem to get off a blog layout. I am looking to create a home page and a blog. My home page is to be header, menu, text, 3 boxes and text.
Can anyone help a newcomer, i found artisteer better for layouts as their editor starts with a blank page which you build up, this seems to assume i only want a blog. I have the pro version.

32 Answers

But if I want a two column page like I could do easy in Artisteer! :( I am not talking about layout with sidebars or the blog view, but a two columns page for "permanent" content. I can not find that option in TT at all and that is something I need badly. Do I have to go back to Artisteer?

You might be talking about the Edit > Content Layout in Artisteer, but the content columns you add that way will be added as static page and you also need to export content with the theme(applies to only that page). If you add more posts from your WP admin it won't be aligned into two columns.

Hope this helps
But if I want a two column page like I could do easy in Artisteer! :( I am not talking about layout with sidebars or the blog view, but a two columns page for "permanent" content. I can not find that option in TT at all and that is something I need badly. Do I have to go back to Artisteer?

You might be talking about the Edit > Content Layout in Artisteer, but the content columns you add that way will be added as static page and you also need to export content with the theme(applies to only that page). If you add more posts from your WP admin it won't be aligned into two columns.

Hope this helps

If you take a look inside the page with the text tab you will see that the content is divided with simple DIVs The content is formatted via class in the CSS. The class is consistent with the rest of your design, whish is much simpler than doing this in the CSS yourself. In worst case you have to make a few sample pages for the client where you preformat them with the correct DIVs to use as a Template.
But that thing will be static, why don't you like a dynamic solution provided by TemplateToaster under Content > Post > Columns.

It'll arrange all your WP posts in two columns automatically.
But that thing will be static, why don't you like a dynamic solution provided by TemplateToaster under Content > Post > Columns.

It'll arrange all your WP posts in two columns automatically.

If you take a look at this page http://fawema.com/home_1_E.html that I linked to in another post I feel this would be difficulte using posts and not pages. Or...!?!?
by keithadv (1.4k points)
I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but have you considered using a page builder plugin? I've started using them recently and I love how simple and flexible they can be. I just make sure I have a theme that includes a no-sidebar page template so I have a more-or-less blank canvas beneath the header and menu.

Then I use a page builder to block in whatever design I want. It's fast and the best ones are also responsive. And I can have as many different-looking pages as I want. I've been using Aqua Page Builder but only because my theme includes a lot of extra "blocks" for it.

I haven't used Page Builder by SiteOrigin but you may want to take a look at it. There are also others, so check them out. Lately, I haven't been using theme designers--either Arty or TT--for page layout, only for overall look and post layout. Just a thought.
by panicosh (1.2k points)
I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but have you considered using a page builder plugin? I've started using them recently and I love how simple and flexible they can be. I just make sure I have a theme that includes a no-sidebar page template so I have a more-or-less blank canvas beneath the header and menu.

Then I use a page builder to block in whatever design I want. It's fast and the best ones are also responsive. And I can have as many different-looking pages as I want. I've been using Aqua Page Builder but only because my theme includes a lot of extra "blocks" for it.

I haven't used Page Builder by SiteOrigin but you may want to take a look at it. There are also others, so check them out. Lately, I haven't been using theme designers--either Arty or TT--for page layout, only for overall look and post layout. Just a thought.

Let me see if I got it right. I can design my theme with Template Toaster, the Header, the logos,the colors the footer, the menu or leave it blank for Ubermenu and as about the layout I can use the SiteOrigin? Is that correct? Will the TT widgets will let that ? if yes then that is VERY helpful.
by panicosh (1.2k points)
I just tested it on localhost. With Template Toaster and Page Builder, you can do whatever you want, sky is the limit :D
by keithadv (1.4k points)
I just tested it on localhost. With Template Toaster and Page Builder, you can do whatever you want, sky is the limit :D

I'm glad you like it. Page builder tools can really make life easy!
by panicosh (1.2k points)
I just tested it on localhost. With Template Toaster and Page Builder, you can do whatever you want, sky is the limit :D

PageBuilder failed, repeat failed, totaly failed!!!!!!!!!!

After working today with PageBuilder with my Template Toaster theme, I noticed that PageBuilder is NOT responsive at all. So I don't recommend it. 27 hours ago I was satisfy but after working for 15 more hours, I noticed the lack of responsive capability.

So, I recommend we JUST create the theme in Template Toaster and modify everything we want for the layout, so in Wordpress we will just add the content. No PageBuilders not anything, just Template Toaster.
by keithadv (1.4k points)
After working today with PageBuilder with my Template Toaster theme, I noticed that PageBuilder is NOT responsive at all. So I don't recommend it. 27 hours ago I was satisfy but after working for 15 more hours, I noticed the lack of responsive capability.

Disclaimer--I haven't used PageBuilder. There are some plugins in this category that I discovered first and I tend to use them.

However, I'm surprised that you found PB to be not responsive. Their one-line description of their plugin is as follows:

"Build responsive page layouts using the widgets you know and love using this simple drag and drop page builder."
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