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in Wordpress Themes by apache39 (120 points)
I have just come over from artisteer, i have spent hours playing with this and love the various effects. However i cannot seem to get off a blog layout. I am looking to create a home page and a blog. My home page is to be header, menu, text, 3 boxes and text.
Can anyone help a newcomer, i found artisteer better for layouts as their editor starts with a blank page which you build up, this seems to assume i only want a blog. I have the pro version.

32 Answers

by panicosh (1.2k points)
Yup, I did a recent TT update but the last time I used PB was in October. If I am correct was in October 25th. Since then there were 2 major TT updates.
I'll try PB again, I've got nothing to loose. If it will work that will be ok, if it will not work it will be ok too :)

Since then did you get any other alternative?

Nope, because I like customizing everything. I doing a "general facelift & coding hacking" :D

Since I am very good with PHP, CSS, HTML etc, I like playing around and adopting various techniques. Lately I am not using Wordpress much, I prefer working with Modx
by cassy1 (660 points)
Yup, I did a recent TT update but the last time I used PB was in October. If I am correct was in October 25th. Since then there were 2 major TT updates.
I'll try PB again, I've got nothing to loose. If it will work that will be ok, if it will not work it will be ok too :)

Since then did you get any other alternative?

Nope, because I like customizing everything. I doing a "general facelift & coding hacking" :D

Since I am very good with PHP, CSS, HTML etc, I like playing around and adopting various techniques. Lately I am not using Wordpress much, I prefer working with Modx

Ok cool
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