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in Wordpress Themes by apache39 (120 points)
I have just come over from artisteer, i have spent hours playing with this and love the various effects. However i cannot seem to get off a blog layout. I am looking to create a home page and a blog. My home page is to be header, menu, text, 3 boxes and text.
Can anyone help a newcomer, i found artisteer better for layouts as their editor starts with a blank page which you build up, this seems to assume i only want a blog. I have the pro version.

32 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

You can set a static page as home page from Wordpress admin. Go to Settings -> Reading -> Front page displays and choose a static page.

You can choose a custom layout for the static page by setting a page template. You can add page templates from TemplateToaster.

TemplateToaster Support
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Just design a new page template for a different layout(Under Page Template Tab), select a different layout for it under Page Tab and apply this new Page Template to the pages where you want this new layout from your WordPress admin.

by hall-torstein (500 points)
Just design a new page template for a different layout(Under Page Template Tab), select a different layout for it under Page Tab and apply this new Page Template to the pages where you want this new layout from your WordPress admin.

But if I want a two column page like I could do easy in Artisteer! :( I am not talking about layout with sidebars or the blog view, but a two columns page for "permanent" content. I can not find that option in TT at all and that is something I need badly. Do I have to go back to Artisteer?
by arkofhope (900 points)

I'm trying to figure out the same thing. :? I'm a newcomer to TT AND WP......still haven't found a good beginner's video for WP, though Tyler Moore on youtube has some good ones. Blending them w/ TT; that's where I get confused
As far as I can see, that is not possible in TT. I hope l'm wrong, because I have wasted large amount of time and now I probably have to go back to Artisteer. In Artisteer it is possible, but as you probably know Artisteer has it's fair share of issues.
by arkofhope (900 points)
My husband likes Authority Pro, though we found that it overwrites the TT theme I created, so I can't use it.
I don't know about artiseer (?), but AP is more wysiwyg.
by keithadv (1.4k points)
But if I want a two column page like I could do easy in Artisteer! :( I am not talking about layout with sidebars or the blog view, but a two columns page for "permanent" content. I can not find that option in TT at all and that is something I need badly. Do I have to go back to Artisteer?

I'd like to help, but I must not be understanding your question because the answer doesn't seem particularly difficult. You're saying you want a layout with two columns and no sidebars?

I just pulled up a blank page in TT and set:

General->Layout Tab->Sidebars->None
Content->Post Tab->(little layout icon)->Columns->2

If you want to make that featured post that stretches across the top go away, then

Content->Post Tab->(little layout icon)->Featured Post->0

I am now looking at a two-column layout with no sidebars. Please excuse me if I didn't understand.
by arkofhope (900 points)
Thank you so much for writing how to change the columns :D
I figured I wasn't finding something somewhere!
by keithadv (1.4k points)
You're welcome! I think TT is very capable but the user interface almost works against you! If the developers ever get that sorted out, people could more easily see how powerful it is. That's when their sales could take off.
You're welcome! I think TT is very capable but the user interface almost works against you! If the developers ever get that sorted out, people could more easily see how powerful it is. That's when their sales could take off.

Notr really. You do have a two columns for the Post if you da as you suggest, but I want to make something With two columns Pages. Something like this:


That is quite easy in Artisteer, but so far I have not found a way to that in TT. The only way in TT as far as I can see is to Write you own extra CSS the old way for that page.

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