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in Wordpress Themes by gabriela (240 points)
Good day , I consulted I have problems to upload: wordpress themes I sell the following: stylesheet is not found .
Could you help me fix it, I write them Argentina , excuse my bad language

5 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Please specify which version of the TemplateToaster are you using?
by gabriela (240 points)
Good day , I am using version which is the version : , apparently TT does not create the file style.css in wordpress change creates bootstrap.css and looking style.css is why the error occurs .
probe all, I went to general and THEN switch to HTML5 and became a wordpress m and the result is the same style is not found .
Try also start from scratch Making the template from scratch but I have the same error upload el. Please I need your help . many Thanks :cry:
by gabriela (240 points)
Please specify which version of the TemplateToaster are you using?

Good day , I am using version which is the version : , apparently TT does not create the file style.css in wordpress change creates bootstrap.css and looking style.css is why the error occurs .
probe all, I went to general and THEN switch to HTML5 and became a wordpress m and the result is the same style is not found .
Try also start from scratch Making the template from scratch but I have the same error upload el. Please I need your help . many Thanks :cry:
by gabriela (240 points)
Fixed , you uninstall and re-installed the latest update .
Previously only down one upgrade , it solved desintalando and reinstalling . Thank you. Geniuses !!!
by robertoperry (140 points)
Hello Gabriela,
There are certain reasons that cause such issues like “CSS file missing” and more. Fortunately it’s not a big deal to handle, you can simple refer http://themeforest.net/forums/thread/ho ... sues/23755 to learn whole things regarding this matter. While working on WordPress themes you have so many ways to exploit it and integrate with any plugin but if during the implementation any sort of issue occurs you can directly ask for the solution at WordPress official forum.
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