Thanks for lettings us know about the situation. We'd love to help you with this.
We've generated this case at our end and forward it to the development team. We'll very soon provide you an updated build for the same.
For the time being, we have created a custom CSS solution for you.
Custom CSS:
#ttr_content #ttr_content_margin .ttr_article ul.tags
text-align: left;
text-indent: unset;
margin-left: unset;
#ttr_content #ttr_content_margin .ttr_article ul.tags li a.label.label-info
color: Gray;
font-size: 26px;
padding: 11px 16px;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: "Amaranth","Arial";
font-style: normal;
Paste this CSS under: Go to Joomla backend -> Extensions-> templates -> click on activated template name -> template options -> style options -> custom css.
Also, please change the CSS prefix from the above code accordingly. You can find the CSS prefix in TemplateToaster under: General tab-> Website preferences-> CSS prefix.
You can change it according to your theme. CSS prefix in above code is "ttr_", replace it with yours. We've attached a screenshot for your reference.
Please check the screenshots below: