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in Issues/Bugs by claudyaguerr (220 points)
Nothing seems to stay right. I install the trial version yestarday. It´s load, very slow to load. When it appears, i click at tools and they freeze for minutes and then, un freeze. The preview at my note & at browsers are a mess! I talk to support early, and update my .Net Framework. Re install, but still the same. Even when i try to save the template test at my Blogger account it says my login and password are wrong (but they aren´t). Well, i can´t see where´s the fab program till now. What´s going on? :x

5 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. Have you also upgraded your video driver. You can do it by updating your window.

Please send us a error report. You can generate it by follow the instruction mentioned at http://templatetoaster.com/debug

TemplateToaster Support
by claudyaguerr (220 points)
How i update my video driver? At Windows update don´t mention that i have to do this... :?
by james (5.3k points)
You can download the drivers from manufactured company website.
by claudyaguerr (220 points)
:( Ok, i follow some tuts, and update my video driver, but Windows update says that it´s all right with it, & i have the last version (update one). So, the issue still goes on. It´s sad, cause i was thinking on give a try with the program, and even buy it. But, i don´t know what´s going on... Well, i think ther´re several Vista users here, someone can give me a tip what it could be? I´m sad.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

Please send us a error report at [email protected]. You can generate it by follow the instruction mentioned at http://templatetoaster.com/debug

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