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in General Discussion by steveistahl (120 points)
I haven't worked with any web pages for probably 20 years (so forgot everything, and much has changed I assume) I want to set up a simple website with links, audios, and videos and the ability to collect email addresses to make a mailing list possibly.  Is there much benefit for me to choose a hosting site that supports Word Press and is it worth learning?  What will I gain by using Word Press as opposed to just working with Template Toaster in HTML mode?

1 Answer

by patricia-jones (3.4k points)

You may use TemplateToaster WordPress Theme Builder, it provide all features you mentioned. You can easily learn to build WordPress theme with TemplateToaster, with the help of Documentations and Video Tutorials provided on Our Site.

Refer the links: https://templatetoaster.com/wordpress



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