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in Wordpress Themes by alan (200 points)
I can't find where to turn off the sidebar navigation. It shows up in both sidebars and is not a widget. Is there a template option for this that I'm missing? The WP admin doesn't seem to have an option for Sidebar Menus.

In the Template Toaster Wordpress documentation, I found this: http://templatetoaster.com/wordpress

–Configuring Sidebar(vertical) Menu: You can enable the sidebar menu(vertical menu from Appearance>> Theme options.

But that is outdated or inaccurate. Are there updated instructions or hints available? I'd like to disable the sidebar vertical menu, it shows up in both sidebars so looks doubly redundant to the top nav which I prefer.

8 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
You can off the sidebar navigation from

wordpress admin -> Theme options -> Sidebar -> Use vertical menu on Sidebar-1 -> Off

Similarly for sidebar-2.
by alan (200 points)
I've identified more about the problem, but still no solution.

The issue lies in the multiple page layout feature of TT and here's more detail on the bug:

I have a home page template with no sidebars, but an interior page with 2 sidebars. When I load the template, the option to turn on or off the sidebar navigation goes away. Theme Options is using the home page to say "there are no sidebars, so we don't need an option to turn off the sidebar menus" even though the interior pages all use a sidebar layout.

Only by loading a template that has home page sidebars do I see the sidebar menu options in Theme Options as mentioned by Sarah.
by sarah (15.2k points)
We are working on this bug and try to update you soon. For now you can do the following step to remove the verticalmenu from sidebar.

After exporting the theme, open the folder and find sidebar-1.php file and open it in editor.
Please remove the code from line no 3 ("/ <?php if(isset($_POST['wp_customize']) && $_POST['wp_customize']=='on'):?> /" ) to line no. 64 ("/ <?php endif : ?>/"").

Similarly, find sidebar-2.php and remove the code from line no 3 to line no. 64
by alan (200 points)
Ah, thanks Sarah, that's good info and I'll try it! For now I've gone back to using only one page layout with sidebars to solve the issue. The multiple page layout feature is crucial to me and the reason I purchased TT.

I'd love to see the list of options grow on the interior pages.

Can you do anything extra page templates except select header, footer and columns?
by sarah (15.2k points)
We are working on this feature of selecting more options in page template. And try to provide it in the next major release of TemplateToaster.
We are working on this feature of selecting more options in page template. And try to provide it in the next major release of TemplateToaster.

I just renewed my "subscription" for updates. What is the timetable for the next major update?
by sarah (15.2k points)
Regrettably, we can't enclose the timeframe of all our upcoming plans regarding the future release of TemplateToaster. We are working on the development of TemplateToaster and make it available as soon as possible.
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