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in Wordpress Themes by danismithers (120 points)


Is it possible to create another menu? I already have one above the header but i would like a different one underneath the header.

How can i do this please?





2 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

You can add menu items above and below Header element by placing custom menu blocks in 'HeaderAbove' and 'HeaderBelow' Widget Areas from WordPress backend.

Go to WordPress dashboard -> Appearance -> Widget -> drag and drop Custom Menu block in HAWidgetArea00/HAWidgetArea01/HAWidgetArea02/HAWidgetArea03  (to place menu above header) and HBWidgetArea00/HBWidgetArea01/HBWidgetArea02/HBWidgetArea03 (to place menu below header)

by pmadhava63 (140 points)
We can add child to main menu. Hierarchy possible.
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