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in Wordpress Themes by mikati (780 points)
Hello Lisa,

I am wondering if I write some custom CSS into Woocommerce compatible TT theme, in which file can I find it? I checked in the theme style file, but could not see it. I want to change something in a previously written custom CSS where should I do it? Originally I wrote custom CSS into Theme Options - General - Custom CSS window. Upon opening this particular window again, it is empty. Where does the info go to?

Thanks in advance,


1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

You can check your previous custom CSS  in your style.css.
by timbrown (280 points)
And how do you get rid of custom CSS in the template toaster program if you need to?  If it doesn't show up in custom CSS entry box for review, how do you delete it from your template? It should be able to be accessible through TT.
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