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in Wordpress Themes by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
I'm starting to wonder if TemplateToaster is still being supported?

I opened a ticket on 23rd March - #877876 which received attention up until 27th April. At that point I was advised that support had made an error when editing my functions.php file and they requested I re-upload original file via ftp.

The file was re-uploaded straight away on the 27th April, but since then I have not been able to get a response from Template Toaster support. Both my follow up messages dated 6th May and 17th May have gone unanswered. I've also tried sending a message via live chat, but no response.

If they are not able to fix the issue or have discontinued supporting the software, then they should just say so. But please don't leave me high and dry and just ignore my messages.

1 Answer

by tstmpr (260 points)
@magicalwonders: I recently (16th of May) had created a support ticket about an upgrade/discount of a license (from version 4.2 to 6.0) , but have not heard anything either ever since: the ticket was even flagged (automatically) as being  'overdue'. Maybe they are shorthanded or undermanned or do this as part time workers?
by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
@ tstmpr: I managed to get through to live chat yesterday, and today I got a response to my ticket advising latest software release has fixed my issue. :)

You may be right about staff shortages causing delays with support. It used to be much faster, so maybe they are having temporary difficulties. Give live chat a try if your ticket goes unanswered. It might get the ball rolling for you! :)
by tstmpr (260 points)
@magicalwonders: great to hear that your issue has been resolved. You mention(ed) the live chat option, but where can I find that on this website?
by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
@ tstmpr: If you go to the Home page - http://templatetoaster.com/  you'll see at the bottom of the screen on the right hand side a message saying - "Need help?... Live help is online".  Click on "Live help is online"  to bring up a chat box. You can then start a conversation. Hopefully you'll be able to get your issue sorted out. :)
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