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in Wordpress Themes by dnmpc (600 points)
edited by dnmpc
I have always used the All in one seo plugin for wordpress I have never had any problems with it till I updated templatetoaster to the latest version now none of the SEO stuff works. Anyone else have this problem. I cannot get anything I put in to take.


This is definetly something to do with the template made from templatetoaster I have tried 4 other themes and they all work correctly.



2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)

Please make sure that you have disabled the seo mode option from Wordpress admin -> Theme options -> SEO -> SEO mode -> Off.
by dnmpc (600 points)
SEO mode is turned off
by jason41 (380 points)
I'm seeing the same problem, every bit of the SEO mode options are OFF and yet all in one seo is not being able to function. This is a really important issue that needs to be resolved.
by dnmpc (600 points)
Hey Jason41 I put in a ticket about this and they put this reply in today I have not had time to check it if you check it and this issue is resolved come back and let everyone know please.

We have solved the issue in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe

by jason41 (380 points)
I just noticed that on the download page right now too, I'm downloading and will test it out soon and update if it corrected it.
by jason41 (380 points)
Update: Just redid the site theme with the new version and the SEO issue is fixed.
by dnmpc (600 points)
Thanks for testing it and letting us all know.
by ydoxy (140 points)

I suggest you to use Seo ultimate and yoast plugin for wordpress seo. I also using both plugin in different websites. if you need seo help click here

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