Hello Templatetoaster-Team,
there is a bug in Templatetoaster, where the titles in category blog layout are using H1 tag (as we all know, the titels must be with H2 tag).
I solved the problem by editibg the H1 to H2 tag in templates/name/html/com_content/category/blog_item.php
<h2 class="abc_post_title">
<?php if ($params->get('link_titles') && $params->get('access-view')) : ?>
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($this->item->slug, $this->item->catid)); ?>">
<?php echo $this->escape($this->item->title); ?></a>
<?php else : ?>
<?php echo $this->escape($this->item->title); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Please keep it in mind by releasing the next update.
Best regards,