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in Wordpress Themes by arkofhope (900 points)
I'm waiting for something to click in my head, it's gotta be more obvious than I am finding.

I love your design, get the typography, color, gradient design details & have the background & header I want; I just don't understand the content (and yes, I've seen "content" on the ribbon).

I've watched all the videos 2+ times. For some reason it's confusing the hell out of me -- like what do I do with the
Heading 1
Heading 2
stuff that is at the bottom which shows up on my website just as it shows up on the TT?
Please help before I pull out all my hair :?

13 Answers

by arkofhope (900 points)
Hi.......back w/ something similar.
I had been seeing in WP the same as I see in TT.
Then, when I go into WP & do a couple things - I added a pic & text to the About Page - which shows up ok / copied in a table to the Testimonials page - shows up ok, too........

....then I must've turned something off ??? or did something, becuz WP reverted BACK to their Hello front page. I set in TT a 3 column them which looks like this:

But WP reverted back to this:

** We cached the computer, too.


by keithadv (1.4k points)
So, when you go to the Dashboard on your WordPress admin page,
and you click on Settings->Reading, what is selected for the
Front page displays option?

Sounds like yours is set to Your latest posts
but you'd prefer A static page, (which you have to choose).
by arkofhope (900 points)
Ok.......we had gone there & I was looking for HOME page to use.....but it's not on the list. (but I see what you are saying...& did do that with my About Me page) So, I need to name the page, I want as my front page/home page, to be whatever text I want to show up in the header just below the menu bar?

And in order to create what I see on the Front page that shows in TT -- the 1st paragraph w/ the pic to the left & 3 columns below -- I do all in WP? Guess my confusion comes when I had specified 3 columns in TT (LOL - wherever I did that; don't remember - format?); it isn't really there......

.......I'm gettin' there.......turtle step by turtle step.......and your help is greatly appreciated :mrgreen: :D
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