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in Wordpress Themes by arkofhope (900 points)
I'm waiting for something to click in my head, it's gotta be more obvious than I am finding.

I love your design, get the typography, color, gradient design details & have the background & header I want; I just don't understand the content (and yes, I've seen "content" on the ribbon).

I've watched all the videos 2+ times. For some reason it's confusing the hell out of me -- like what do I do with the
Heading 1
Heading 2
stuff that is at the bottom which shows up on my website just as it shows up on the TT?
Please help before I pull out all my hair :?

13 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
TemplateToaster design Themes and you need to input the original content from your WordPress admin. The content that you see in TemplateToaster(in Wordpress Case) won't go with the exported theme, it is just for designing purpose.
by bill_p (180 points)
I hope that TT remains as a design tool only. TT should generate the theme and everything else should be done within WordPress.
by arkofhope (900 points)
Okay. Got it. But I exported the theme, went into WP, added a post.......now my website lost the background color, special effects, and the header special effects & text I wrote has changed.

I had my techie husband check it out, and he didn't understand why it did that either.

Oh, and the website views with the bottom stuff that isn't supposed to be there:

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by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
See my post here regarding Content vs Post.


The "bottom stuff" are the widgets that you will have to relocate or remove.

You do not mention which TT version you are using, but I have no problem at all getting my TT Pro Edition themes to look exactly as they were designed when activated on my WP 3.6 site :)
by arkofhope (900 points)
Could it be in the Export ~~ Do I need to check BOTH "RTL" and "Woocommerce"?

I usually just click Woocommerce & it comes out like this: http://www.test.wevegan.com I'm surprise all the stuff at the bottom isn't there this time.

We don't understand what RTL is. If it's just that, that would be good. :D
I can preview in RTL / but Preview on Internet Explorer doesn't do anything.

Our WP is 3.6
We have 1 plug in on WP - akismet
We've downloaded your most recent version of TT
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Could it be in the Export ~~ Do I need to check BOTH "RTL" and "Woocommerce"?

I usually just click Woocommerce & it comes out like this: http://www.test.wevegan.com I'm surprise all the stuff at the bottom isn't there this time.

We don't understand what RTL is. If it's just that, that would be good. :D
I can preview in RTL / but Preview on Internet Explorer doesn't do anything.

Our WP is 3.6
We have 1 plug in on WP - akismet
We've downloaded your most recent version of TT

Please attach here a screenshot of the theme from TemplateToaster so that we can see the difference.
by arkofhope (900 points)
Here is what I have on TT

TT testwevegan site.jpg
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
WooCommerce checkbox is for WooCommerce plugin compatibility and RTL is for "Right To Left Languages" compatibility.

I can still see the background color on your site and special effects are still there, please try clearing your browser cache and make sure you have correct theme activated from your WordPress admin.
by arkofhope (900 points)
Okay, we cleared & restarted & cleaned up my computer.

I do see all the background now. So, I'd go ahead & delete this post. And now I know what RTL is. :)

Thank you so much for your help!
by arkofhope (900 points)
My husband thinks that I must've deleted something on the TT page somehow.......so I deleted it & started over.

That would have driven me crazy on any other WP "thing" but not TT --- it was easy to recreate!
And it's fine now.

Thanks a bunch!
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