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in Wordpress Themes by nick (120 points)

first, i'm new here and i have a questions.. (My english is not so good but i'm trying).
I have TT and have saved my template. When i saved it and upload it to my FTP i get a error..:

Unpack package ...

Install Theme ...

The package can not be installed. The style.css stylesheet contains no or an invalid theme header.

Theme installation failed.

and when i'm uploading it on my FTP in the map "Themes" then my page is mixed and nothing is right on his place.

My wordpress version is 4.2.2.
Is there anybody they can solved this problem?

Kind regards,
N. ten Wolde.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Please try to use the latest version of TemplateToastser Version: , as this issue has been solved. You can download it from here http://templatetoaster.com/download
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