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in Issues/Bugs by dpearcemn (680 points)
If I create a menu and show it in a block, disabled menu items will display when they shouldn't.

4 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
I assume you are referring to vertical menu, which CMS you are using, can you please suggest here the exact steps to reproduce the issue
by dpearcemn (680 points)
Not a vertical menu, just a plain sidebar menu. In Drupal 7, I created a menu, add a few items with some disabled. When I placed the new menu block in a sidebar, the disabled menu items would show.
by dpearcemn (680 points)
Still happens in
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
We fixed the issue in 1.5.2 and now it is not appearing on our side, we'll be able to diagnose it if you offer us your exported theme here or at support.
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