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in Wordpress Themes by xtreme-computers (140 points)

First of all, iám from holland so excuse my bad english please.

I like template toaster 5 but i have a few problems with it.

1) When i make the header or footer full width and add widgets or a menu to it, i cant go wider/furter than the page width.
How can i fix this?

2) the "responsive" function doesn't work correct. When i resize the website, everything stands wrong. (see screenshot 1 and 2)

3) responsive menu is messed to.....

4) Text in the widgets (with default and 3th party text widgets) displays wrong (see screenshot 1)

5) The mean page and sidebar are started in the same (0px margin) from above. in template toaster they have the same startpostion (horizontal).
When i upload the template to wordpress the arent at the same startposition anymore


Thanks for the help!!!

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)
Please open a ticket at support http://templatetoaster.com/support with the ttr file and exported zip folder.
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