Template Toaster 8
User: LENOVO-93P-DESK\DEHavill
Mode: Full
"Update" showed no new version pending.
1. Selected the TemplateToaster theme created (see above)
2. Created PAGE in WordPress and specified the "Gutenberg Block Editor"
3. Created a "Paragraph Block"
4. Entered the text "How To Ship Items" and selected "center text" from
Gutenberg Block Toolbar ... The text would not center
5. Selected "code editor" which displayed the following
<p class="has-text-align-center has-text-color" style="color:#b6092b;font-size:48px">How To Ship Items</p>
6. Changed WordPress theme to "Twenty Twenty-One" and followed the procedure above ... the text centered correctly
I am puzzled as to what I am doing wrong. I found a workaround in the support area, however, it stated that a version would be available to correct the Gutenberg problems. Is this version available and how can I obtain the update?
D'Arcy E Havill