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in Wordpress Themes by toponderon (160 points)

I have been trying to change the slider image. I think the theme is called Textile Fabric. Regardless of which theme that I am using, how do you change the original image?

Thank you so much.



3 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)

To change the slideshow image in TemplateToaster, go to

Slideshow tab -> Background -> images.

Follow the same step for each slide. To navigate between slides, click over the arrow under slideshow section.
by toponderon (160 points)
Thank you for helping me. Right now I have the trial version and I can't add my own slider image. If I purchase the product will I be able to add my own image instead of using the ones from the TT library?

Thank you.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
It should work even in trial mode, make sure you are running Professional Edition, you can check or upgrade it from File-> Preferences in TemplateToaster.
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