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in Wordpress Themes by gatorjack (640 points)
I just updated my theme to a more recent version of TemplateToaster as I noticed the newer version allows me to hide the meta information for posts. When I uploaded my theme I noticed arrows in my menu. Before, the only time an arrow would appear in a submenu was if there was a menu below that. For example:

Home > Contact > Secure Contact
Home > Contact > Unsecure Contact

That is, under Home would be a submenu of Contact. Under Contact would be two menus: Secure Contact and Unsecure Contact. Only Contact would have an arrow on it as there was a menu below it. Secure Contact and Unsecure Contact wouldn't have arrows as there were no submenus below it. Is there a reason for the change?

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Hi, Please open a ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support/ and try to provide ttr file and exported zip folder.
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