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in Wordpress Themes by dubjohnston (220 points)
I have a text box in the main menu. I want the text boxes to be on the right on the screen. I have used both align right and align left in testing (within the Format Tab). It looks fine, but when I scroll, the alignment changes. For instance, I have alignment at 965px from left. But when I scroll it goes to 850px (then claims that it the max distance). But then with some fiddling around I can get it back to 965px. I want this text box not to change alignment px. I have the Menu as fixed (so it stays as I scroll).

1 Answer

by john-smith (1.9k points)

Thanks for letting us know about the situation and we'd love to help you with this.
Your text box position value while scrolling as you have set your menu as sticky and while you scroll your menu seems as full width. You can use the Alignment right option and your text area will seem aligned right. It may fix this issue. Follow the steps to set the text box align-right

Open TemplateToaster->Your Template->Click on text box->Alignment->Set it as Align to right

We are also sharing the screenshot for your reference. We hope this is helpful. Let us know if you have any more questions, comments, or concerns.

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