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in Wordpress Themes by grech1917 (780 points)

With help of the support here I've been able to achieve a menu that sticks to the top of page when scrolling but can it be made to shrink slightly before it sticks?

For an example - see here http://www.redkitedigitalmarketing.co.uk.

6 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
selected by grech1917
Best answer
There's no need to use plugin, as you can achieve this by adding few lines of custom css, like:
nav#ttr_menu {
left: 0;
position: fixed;
right: 0;
top: 0;

Moreover, we have included this feature in our next major release, which we are going to release soon.
by grech1917 (780 points)
Any ideas?
by sarah (15.2k points)
You can attain this by using custom css. Please open a ticket at support with ttr file and url to your website http://templatetoaster.com/support
by pitufa_rm (400 points)
Hello you tried to do it with a plugin? -> https://wordpress.org/plugins/who-stick-it/
by jason41 (380 points)
Is there a rough idea of when this next major release will be?
by grech1917 (780 points)
Is there a rough idea of when this next major release will be?

I'd like to know this too.
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