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in Wordpress Themes by johan (320 points)
How can I set the location of the vertical menu? I would like to place this not after the horizontal menu, but after the body/content.

Besides that, is it possible to change the look of the vertical menu? Make it look like the horizontal?

And last one: Is it possible to disable the vertical menu ONLY in mobile layout?

How to do this all?

6 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
- To place the vertical menu after content, Go to Wordpress admin -> Appearance -> Drag Custom Menu widget to CBWidgetArea -> And set Menu display (TTDefault) , Menu-style (Horizontal Menu)

- To disable the vertical menu in mobile view, delete that widget area for mobile view from TemplateToaster -> Mobile view (bottom left corner) -> Widget area -> Select CBWidgetArea -> Position Cell -> click minus icon to delete

by johan (320 points)
Thanks for the fast reply.

- To place the vertical menu after content, Go to Wordpress admin -> Appearance -> Drag Custom Menu widget to CBWidgetArea -> And set Menu display (TTDefault) , Menu-style (Horizontal Menu)

I only want to set the location in the mobile view. Sorry didn't mention that.
by sarah (15.2k points)
It seems I m unable to get it. Please state more precisely, what exactly you are trying to achieve.
by johan (320 points)

I use a vertical menu in my theme.
I want this vertical menu to use of course, but I want it only to be visible in the browser on desktop and tablet, but NOT on a mobile phone.
Then it should be hidden. As this menu has 15 items, it is just way too big on a mobile phone.

The other question about the same situation:
If I decide to use the vertical menu in mobile view, the I want to be able to place it AFTER the body/content. Again only in mobile view.

If this has to be adjusted in the CSS file by had, that's no problem.

Sorry if I was unclear, hopefully it's better now.
by sarah (15.2k points)
- Like I said above, If you want to hide vertical menu only in mobile view then delete that widget area for mobile view from TemplateToaster -> Mobile view (at bottom left corner of UI) -> Widget area -> Select CBWidgetArea -> Position Cell -> click minus icon to delete
Condition : Vertical menu is not placed in Left or Right Sidebar. If do so, then use Custom css to hide them in mobile.

- If you want to show vertical menu in mobile then try to place it Right Sidebar of Desktop. It automatically stack and comes after the content in mobile view.
by johan (320 points)
Thanks. I will play with this info.
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