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in Wordpress Themes by be-en-foret (120 points)
I want to import Wordpress' new theme, "Twenty Twenty-two", into Template Toaster to work on it.  I have downloaded the theme onto my computer from Wordpress and unzipped it, but do not understand how to open it in Template Toaster.  Thank you!

1 Answer

by john-smith (1.9k points)


Thanks for letting us know about the situation. We'd love to help you with this.

Theme/Templates created from any other website builder or any third-party template can't be embedded in TemplateToaster. Only the template files with the ".ttr" extension can be opened and edited and If you are using one of our templates, only then you can edit the template in TemplateToaster. We hope this is helpful. Let us know if you have any more questions, comments, or concerns.

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