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in General Discussion by dnmpc (600 points)
Anyone else program seem to be a little slow and lagy when working on a project?? I seem to be having this issue. My computer specs are.

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1
Processor: AMD A8-3820 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (4 CPUs), ~2.5GHz
I use a gforce gts 250 graphics card
Memory: 8192MB RAM


14 Answers

by james (5.3k points)

Please do the following and check again
(1) Go to TemplateToaster -> File -> Preference -> Application settings -> Select the language and toggle all the options -> System Font Cache Service -> toggle the Disable Service -> click on Clear Font Cache.

(2) And try using TemplateToaster latest version.
by dnmpc (600 points)
I will try that and see what happens.

by dnmpc (600 points)
I have tried this and it still seams slow to react. Any other ideas or is it just generally slow?

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

Please try updating .net. You can download it from http://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download ... x?id=40779

TemplateToaster Support
by dnmpc (600 points)
Thanks for reply but I already have the latest and most updated version.


Any other Ideas.

by dnmpc (600 points)
Am I the only one experiencing slow performance from TemplateToaster?? :?
by sarah (15.2k points)
As this seems to be system specific issue, please provide error report. To generate error report follow the instruction mentioned at http://templatetoaster.com/debug and send it to us by opening a ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support
by dnmpc (600 points)
Ok will do. Just an update I have recently updated to a SSD drive and installed a fresh version of windows and am still having the issue. I will do what is suggested here.

by b-michilsen (240 points)

I also notice that Template Toaster is slower than the versions before.
Sometimes i have to wait for about 30 seconds before something happens.
For instance, when i want to change a color, sometimes the program doesn't respond.
Or when i want to change a color gradient, i only see the outer lines and no content of the gradients.
I have to click somewhere else in the program and try again and finally i can see the gradients.
Also i have the latest .Net Framework installed. No Windows Updates found.

Used Windows version: Windows 7, 64-bit
Template Toaster: version

Best Regards,
Ben Michilsen
by poesterle (140 points)
Having the same problems as dnmpc & b.michelsen. Takes a while for anything to take affect, especially color changes. Only way some modifications work is to save the file then re-open. Can even take a very long time to load a .ttr file. Most times even clicking elsewhere does not help. Has never been quick for me but does vary between slow and very slow. My system is updated & all of the recommended items previously mentioned exist, .NET is current, font cache=disabled... Running TT, Win 7 Ultimate. I have no problem running other programs such as Publisher, Gimp & InkScape that are highly graphic intensive. I've even turned off all cloud syncing, stopped any unnecessary background apps. It takes twice as long to do anything because of how slow it is. Would be terrific if it weren't so lagging, it's very frustrating.
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