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in Wordpress Themes by gthib (460 points)

I am about to create my first webpage. I need some piece of advice, guidance, link direction or any helpful suggestion.

Here is my question (please-find attached image files) and the layout effect I would like to achieve:

Stage 1
First page opens (landing page): On white backgroud there is a text that appears (A) gradually-fade effect.

Stage 2
The text that has appeared in Stage 1 (A) moves (animation) to the left edge of the page horizontally

Stage 3
Once the text reaches the left edge of the page the all other element appear simultaneously. That is:
Top part of side menu B1
Bottom part of the side menu B2
Four blocks/frames of slideshows C.

The final question is what is the best way to create those four frames of slideshows on the page at the given place, Shall I use post, four widgets to get them on the page as illustrated?

I thank you in advance for your response if any.
I would deeply appreciate any helpful suggestion.




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