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in Wordpress Themes by jjkieffer (240 points)

I do have a question
When i configure CAWidgetArea into 1 column/row in TT and i look at my site it looks like i do get 1 widget and 3 empty rows.
How do i delete the 3 empty ros.


4 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
You can delete the widget rows/columns at

TemplateToaster -> WidgetAreas -> select over the cell you want to delete -> Position cell -> click on the minus sign
by jjkieffer (240 points)
Thanks for your answer,

But when i do click on minus, the whole widget disapears. I want to hold 1 of 4.

by drew3 (180 points)
Sarah is correct. be sure you have the individual cell selected you wish to remove and use the minus (-) button in the Position Cell section of the tool bar.

If you use the minus button on the far left of the tool bar in the Position Bar section the entire row disappears.

- Drew
by iceferret (3.3k points)
Thanks for that, it's puzzled me for a while. Simple when you know how. ;)
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