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in Wordpress Themes by imacsenglish (840 points)
Hi guys, ever since I installed TT 5 and have been updating my template I've noticed some issues which I would like to share with you and hopefully someone will be able to help me solve them.


If you look at this page you'll notice a few things if you're seeing what I'm seeing.

#1 - The content of the post's background is now white when it used to be the same light grey color which surrounds the image at the top. Pre TT 5 I had it working fine but when I imported my file to the new TT it changed for some reason.

#2 - A strange "extra" button appeared new to my Site Origin Button widget... Any ideas?

Here is an image to explain what I mean... http://imgur.com/Bfp3OdE

Well, I appreciate any help. Thanks guys!


*EDIT* Also I just noticed that the drop down menu under "English Resources" no longer actually goes to the pages they are supposed to go to...

8 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
1) The plugin page builder by siteorigin is conflicting with bootstrap. So, for the time being you can set it by using custom css at TemplateToaster -> General -> Css - add the code given below:

#ttr_content .panel {
background-color: transparent !important;

2) This issue has been solved, please use the latest build of TemplateToaster5 (Version: ). You can download it from http://templatetoaster.com/download
by imacsenglish (840 points)
1) The plugin page builder by siteorigin is conflicting with bootstrap. So, for the time being you can set it by using custom css at TemplateToaster -> General -> Css - add the code given below:

#ttr_content .panel {
background-color: transparent !important;

2) This issue has been solved, please use the latest build of TemplateToaster5 (Version: ). You can download it from http://templatetoaster.com/download

Thanks for your help Lisa. I'll download the new version and let you know how it goes.

By the way, I don't quite understand exactly happened with #1. I had TT 4 and it worked fine and as soon as I upgrade to version 5 that whole background thing happened. So you're telling me it's page builder's fault and has nothing to do with TT? Just curious.

I'm just concerned about that because my TT licence will expire in about 15 days and I guess that means I'll be losing the new updates if I don't renew the licence.
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
No, it's not a fault of page builder or TT. It's just that page builder's styles conflicting with bootstrap styles, means the white color on panel is coming from bootstrap styles. As TT5 supports bootstrap where as TT4 doesn't that is why it worked fine in v4.
by imacsenglish (840 points)
No, it's not a fault of page builder or TT. It's just that page builder's styles conflicting with bootstrap styles, means the white color on panel is coming from bootstrap styles. As TT5 supports bootstrap where as TT4 doesn't that is why it worked fine in v4.

Ah okay, so I'll have to give that code a try and see what happens.

Also, if you scroll over "English Resources" the links to the other pages no longer work when you click on them. Do I have to change some code or something? They also worked when I had TT 4 installed. Please let me know. Thanks again Lisa :)

by imacsenglish (840 points)
2) This issue has been solved, please use the latest build of TemplateToaster5 (Version: ). You can download it from http://templatetoaster.com/download

I downloaded the newest version of TT5 and I'm still having problems with the "extra little button" appearing. Any ideas?
by imacsenglish (840 points)
1) The plugin page builder by siteorigin is conflicting with bootstrap. So, for the time being you can set it by using custom css at TemplateToaster -> General -> Css - add the code given below:

#ttr_content .panel {
background-color: transparent !important;

Typed in that CSS and the background is grey. However, there is a little around each component. It seems like there is a drop shadow or something around the widget.


Do you see what I mean? Around the post content, the buttons, the little thing at the button that says, "Did you enjoy this? blabla"

How do I get rid of that? Thank you.

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Please open a ticket at support http://templatetoaster.com/support with exported folder and ttr file.
by imacsenglish (840 points)
Please open a ticket at support http://templatetoaster.com/support with exported folder and ttr file.

Will do. Thanks :)
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