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in Wordpress Themes by cp-deboer (120 points)
Hello All,

At first, i'm a newbee with wordpress and templatetoaster...

We chose for TT as 'builder' couse its easy to use and not neccesarry to have much knowledge of scriptinglanguages

my 'problem'is:

i designed a website in TT, so far so good...
i exported it to a zip, i installed it on my host (STRATO) as explained in the tutorial on TT site
i went to the WP-dashboard, instald the zip (in theme) and activated it, i removed allother theme's

now when i go to my site (on a different divice) it looks not as designd, i only see my logo an not all other text and menu, it shows a blog text and search option, what do i wrong?

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Please make sure that you have imported the website content designed in TemplateToaster. To import the content please follow the steps provided below:

Go to WordPress dashboard → Appearances → Theme options → Import content tab → click import content button.

Now, check website frontend.

If you still face an issue, please open a support ticket at https://templatetoaster.com/support, and provide the exported zip and ttr file as attachment. Our support team will guide you surely.
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