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in Wordpress Themes by timhagan90 (160 points)
I would like to add spacing at the bottom of each paragraph on my WordPress site, so that it has the look of single-spacing with two lines between each paragraph. It seems like TT only lets me create a margin of up to 9 px and it has to be the same margin all the way around, which does not give me the look I would like. I can hand-code the paragraphs with CSS when I am creating pages, but I want a more automated solution. Any suggestions?

2 Answers

by james (5.3k points)

For the time you can use the following custom css at General -> Css

p, .producttag

you can also change 14px to any other required value, if you want.

But TemplateToaster will provide the option to set margin more than 9 soon.
by timhagan90 (160 points)
Thanks. How would I do the same for my various headings.
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