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in Wordpress Themes by seahorsecreatove (120 points)
I am having two issues with this. My URL is http://freshrconsulting.com.au

The first being that I can't for the life of me get the site to show my business name instead of template toaster.

The second being that the hyperlink has the site I have designed's URL and my business url (when I want only my business URL) - freshrconsulting.com.au/seahorse-creative.com.au (Should just be http://seahorse-creative.com.au)

Here is the PHP generated by TT

<div id="fhr_footer_designed_by_links">
<span id="fhr_footer_designed_by" style="color:<?php echo '#FFFFFF';?>;font-size:<?php echo '11';?>px;">
<?php echo(__('Wordpress Theme Designed by',CURRENT_THEME));?>
<a href="www.seahorse-creative.com.au" style="color:<?php echo '#FFFFFF';?> !important;font-size:<?php echo get_option('ttr_font_size_designedbylink','11');?>px;">
Seahorse Creative
<?php else: ?>
<div id="fhr_footer_designed_by_links">
<span id="fhr_footer_designed_by" style="color:<?php echo get_option('ttr_designedby','#FFFFFF');?>;font-size:<?php echo get_option('ttr_font_size_designedby','11');?>px;">
<?php echo(__('Wordpress Theme Designed by',CURRENT_THEME));?>
<a href="www.seahorse-creative.com.au" style="color:<?php echo get_option('ttr_designedbylink','#FFFFFF');?> !important;font-size:<?php echo get_option('ttr_font_size_designedbylink','11');?>px;">
Seahorse Creative
<?php endif; ?>

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)
1) You can change the "designed by" text by double click on it and edit.

2) To change the footer designed by link, Go to TemplateToaster -> File -> Preference -> Footer Link.
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