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in Joomla Templates by ruediger-althoff (120 points)
Hello, everyone,

I am faced with the challenge of creating several catalog systems based on PrestaShop. For the user interface I use the TemplateToaster in its current version. Unfortunately I cannot simply remove the Add-to-Cart button, so I have to modify the code. A real innovation would be to implement the possibility to remove the Add-to-Cart button besides the color settings for the Add-to-Cart button. Ist suggest this feature for your product roadmap, but maybe the feature is already on the roadmap.

If the feature already exists and I haven't found it, please let me know.

Many greetings


1 Answer

by robert-williams (5.2k points)


Please add the feature request on our user voice page : https://templatetoaster.uservoice.com/forums/220470-general

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