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in Wordpress Themes by carliendemos (220 points)
as you can see in my image, the text is all without layout even thought there is styling added in template toaster and the text in wordpress has spaces and paragraphs

I finally found where to change the line height, but it still looks without styling has been used
the paragraphs are not shown, even when i add code in wordpress (<p>)

how do i fix this cuase this is not presentable.

paragraphs style.jpg

5 Answers

by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
I'm having the same issue in regard to the paragraph formatting.

The spaces between paragraphs are displayed when editing,

and the <p> tags are present when viewed in text mode.

However the spaces between paragraphs are somehow removed when viewing a live page, even though the <p> tags are still present when viewing source code.

When switching to a non TT theme such as 2012 the spaces between paragraphs appear as expected. I can't upload the fourth pic, but here's a url which shows the same page when switched to 2012 Theme -

Any ideas? Using latest Wordpress 4.0.1. I have another TT theme working fine on another account on the same server, so can't see what has gone wrong?



by lisa-west (35.1k points)
We have solved the issue. Soon you will get it in latest build of TemplateToaster4.
by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
Hello Lisa,

What approximate time scale for the next release? I'm currently using version Is it possible to revert to a previous version? The download area only seem to have the latest install file available. I'm currently working on a design for a client, so this is very awkward. :(


PS. The changelog page doesn't show any changes since version (30th July) But there have been several updates since then. Is the changelog no longer being published?
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Issue solved in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/download
by carliendemos (220 points)
donwloading and testing right now :-) keep you posted on my results
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