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in Wordpress Themes by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
I'm having problems getting the logo in a header to be clickable.

Here is my test site - http://magicalwonders.com/blog/

I added the logo in Template Toaster and assigned a link. The url is showing in theme options under header. See screenshot attached. However the logo remains unclickable when viewed in a browser. :(

When I view the page using Firebug the header seems to reference a slide show. However this is unticked in the template toaster file, with none of the options for a slide show selected.

Can anybody help suggest where I'm going wrong with this please?

Many thanks,



2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
We will solve this issue in our next release. For now you can use the following custom css in TemplateToaster -> File -> Prefrences ->Custom css

.ttr_slideshow_in .ttr_slideshow_last a {
pointer-events: auto;
by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
Thank you Sarah,

That did the trick! :)

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