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in Joomla Templates by maximilian-zapf (140 points)
Hi, i´ve made a sperate modul position. This modul position contains a secaond menue. It works, but how can I edit the alignment and the size of these menue items of this modul position? I only can edit all menue items, but didn´t find any possibility to edit only the size and alignment of this modul position fot it´s own. Any idea?

1 Answer

by patricia-jones (3.4k points)
Modification in Alignment and the size of Second Menu items different than main Menu, can be achieved using Custom css. There are two option for adding custom css in Template, first in TemplateToaster itself and second from Joomla Backend.

In TemplateToaster : Open General tab => Click Css option => Add css accordingly in appeared Css Editor => Click Save => Export your Template

In Joomla CMS: Extensions => Templates => Click on your Activated Template => Open 'Style Options' tab => add css accordingly in textarea corresponding to 'Custom Css' option => click Save

In case you need custom css code to achieve this, please open a Support Ticket (refer link: https://templatetoaster.com/support/ ) and provide us your ttr file and Website Credentials. Our Support team will guide you accordingly.
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