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in Wordpress Themes by nvdwolk (140 points)
Hi TemplateToaster team,

First of all: thank you so much for providing us with such awesome software, i'm really glad i bought it, it saves me so much time working on css. Looking forward to all future updates!

I have 2 q's i can't work out, hope you can help me out, i'm a newbe :)

I'm using Google Fonts now but the only downfall is loadtime i found. Especially using it in the Menu section because it takes about a second to load the font (i only chose one google font, lightest loadtime according to google). While loading any page it shows a default font for a split second which is not quit nice because it does that everytime clicking on different menu items. Is there a workaround for this?

And my second question is using custom or system fonts, they wont appear on other computers that have not installed this special font. So do i have to upload it to the root of the server and refer to it in css manually in order to make them appear anywhere on any computer or have you guys automised this aswell? And it might just take load time only once in that case?

Well hope to hear from you and all the best from Amsterdam, Holland!

1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Sorry for the delay in replying.

1- Rendering behavior differs depending on the engine of browser. Few browsers will display the text after the font file is buffered on other hand some use the fallback font from the font stack of computer and then refresh the page when the font is loaded. However we'll look in this if some hacks are available to overcome this.

2- Sure, TemplateToaster support this, you can browse and add custom fonts to your computer and it'll be exported with the template if you follow the procedure shown in this attached screenshot.

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