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in Wordpress Themes by hello (240 points)

I have created a custom Wordpress template with Templatetoaster, which I am using with Woocommerce. I export my template as Woocommerce compatible. However, my breadcrumbs don't show on the shop pages (they do on regular pages), I have not touched anything within TT, but if I switch to a template such as Twenty Fourteen, I can see the breadcrumbs. Any ideas what I can do to make them appear on all the pages of my site?

Thank you! :)

5 Answers

by hello (240 points)
I've tried deactivating all my plugins, and then my breadcrumbs work fine, but as soon as Woocommerce is active, the breadcrumbs within the shop don't work.
by sarah (15.2k points)
We had produced the issue at our end and started working on it. Soon, we will update you with the latest version of TemplateToaster.
by hello (240 points)
Thank you for your reply Sarah :) Any idea when this update will be available? I must admit it's a really important feature to me...
by sarah (15.2k points)
We have solved the issue in latest build( ). You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/Te ... oaster.exe
by hello (240 points)
It works!!! Thank you Sarah! :D
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