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in Wordpress Themes by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
I'm struggling to get my name showing as a link in the footer where it follows "designed by"

Although my name is being displayed it is not a clickable link. A test page can be seen here - http://magicalwonders.com/blog/

I've had a look at the code in footer.php and it seems to be controlled by the following -

<div id="ttr_footer_designed_by_links">
<span id="ttr_footer_designed_by" style="color:<?php echo '#FFFFFF';?>;font-size:<?php echo '10';?>px;">
<?php echo(__('Theme Designed by Myles Sinclair',CURRENT_THEME));?>
<a href="http://mylessinclair.com" style="color:<?php echo '#FFFFFF';?> !important;font-size:<?php echo get_option('ttr_font_size_designedbylink','10');?>px;">

My url is included, so I'm not sure what the problem is? Any advice on this would be welcome please. :)

Many thanks,


2 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

You have changed it wrong. To correct it, please do the following changes.

<div id="ttr_footer_designed_by_links">

<span id="ttr_footer_designed_by" style="color:<?php echo '#428BCA';?>;font-size:<?php echo '14';?>px;">
<?php echo(__('Theme Designed by',CURRENT_THEME));?>

<a href="http://templatetoaster.com" style="color:<?php echo '#428BCA';?> !important;font-size:<?php echo get_option('ttr_font_size_designedbylink','14');?>px;">
Myles Sinclair

by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
Thank you Lisa,

I missed out a chunk of the code in my last post for the "designed" by links.

<div id="ttr_footer_designed_by_links">
<span id="ttr_footer_designed_by" style="color:<?php echo '#FFFFFF';?>;font-size:<?php echo '10';?>px;">
<?php echo(__('Theme Designed by Myles Sinclair',CURRENT_THEME));?>
<a href="http://mylessinclair.com" style="color:<?php echo '#FFFFFF';?> !important;font-size:<?php echo get_option('ttr_font_size_designedbylink','10');?>px;">

<?php else: ?>
<div id="ttr_footer_designed_by_links">
<span id="ttr_footer_designed_by" style="color:<?php echo get_option('ttr_designedby','#FFFFFF');?>;font-size:<?php echo get_option('ttr_font_size_designedby','10');?>px;">
<?php echo(__('Theme Designed by Myles Sinclair',CURRENT_THEME));?>
<a href="http://mylessinclair.com" style="color:<?php echo get_option('ttr_designedbylink','#FFFFFF');?> !important;font-size:<?php echo get_option('ttr_font_size_designedbylink','10');?>px;">


I can see from what you've said that the text for url (my name) is missing from the anchor tags. Shouldn't it be included automatically by Template Toaster?
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