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in Wordpress Themes by briar (160 points)

I just started testing this software, and I like it, but for one thing: I can't figure out if and how to have any additional widgets in the widget columns. Is there such a thing as a login widget, for instance? I'm new to this whole thing, so please forgive me if this is a silly questions. I dabbled in Joomla very briefly, decided it's a bit too much for me and for the folks that will help me administer the site, and decided to go with Wordpress, but I am a bit confused at this point... Any help would be appreciated.

The other software i'm testing is the Artisteer, but that does have to have additional widgets - of course it's also far, far from free, especially the full version.


4 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
You can easily add desired widgets(like login) to any sidebar from Appearance>> Widgets from your Wordpress administration.
by briar (160 points)
Thanks so much. :)
I tried adding a widget in the free version and it didn't work.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
I tried adding a widget in the free version and it didn't work.

Did you add that widget in TemplateToaster or from the Wordpress administration ? Can you provide us you exported theme on support http://templatetoaster.com/support
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