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in Wordpress Themes by pixstudios (160 points)
I created a Wordpress template in TemplateToaster and everything looks fine accept the homepage sidebars. For some reason, there are widgets in both the left and right sidebars and I can't get rid of them! I need for these sidebars to be blank so I can put the widgets that I want in them. I want nothing to do with calendars, search bars, categories, etc. Could someone please help point me in the right direction so I can solve this very annoying problem?


2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Did you try removing/deleting that widgets from Appearance-> Widgets from your WordPress admin ?
by patricia-jones (3.4k points)
When all the sidebar widgets are removed from the backend, some widgets have been set in order to occupy the blank space. These widgets will automatically hide as soon as some widgets have been added in the left or right sidebar position. You can set the widget on the desired location.
by pixstudios (160 points)
Thanks Patricia for your help. I wish TemplateToaster will change this.
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