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in Wordpress Themes by
As much as I love TT, I am disappointed that the WP does not come with additional feature to add some categories as sliders on the homepage. I wish this can be sorted out and also that the mobile menu be made a dropdown option then the format it is now.


3 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please elaborate all your requirements, What you want exactly?
We will definately try to full fill your requirements as soon as possible in our furure release of Template Toaster.
by semasir (440 points)

What I mean is that there is a slider to display categories (or page) in the themes developed on TT and not a slider in the header as it is at the moment.

There are some themes that can displays images as well as headers (or topics) with read more links.
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
These features are currently not available in Template Toaster.
But, there are many plugins available online, which you can use. For this check Smooth Slider, SlideDeck 2, LenSlider for Wordpress.
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