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in Wordpress Themes by cliffordjwilliamsyahoo-co-uk (160 points)

How do activate Grid lines to ensure my logo is in the same place on all of my pages?

I ask because the Logo moves when switching between between pages.

This happens when switching between the pages created with a page template and the pages created with a blog template within the same site.

1 Answer

by robert-williams (5.2k points)
TemplateToaster provides an option to set Alignment of header logo. You can set left and top values under the Alignment option to move the logo accordingly. To set the left and top values please follow the following steps:

TemplateToaster -> click on the logo-> FORMAT-> Alignment-> Set Left and Top accordingly.
by cliffordjwilliamsyahoo-co-uk (160 points)
This has worked.
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