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in Wordpress Themes by shawn-g12 (120 points)
I'm trying to center my logo in the middle of the header and it shows fine in TT. In preview in all browsers it floats to the right and cuts off. It also seems to be changing logo size. It would be helpful if we could set alignment of the logo image without having to drag it for exact placement and to set the size in pixels.
The template is set as responsive but seems that the logo isn't.
I've attached an image to demonstrate. It's a screenshot of the template in TT. The superimposed yellow block is the same header as it shows in all browsers.

Updated to latest version.

logo offline.jpg

3 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
Please open a support ticked with ttr file at http://templatetoaster.com/support
by adamducan (140 points)
Has a solution to this problem been reached? I am also experiencing this bug.
by sarah (15.2k points)
We are unable to produce this kind of bug. Will you please open a ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support with ttr file .
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