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in Wordpress Themes by magicalwonders (1.9k points)

I've been playing around with a design and have set my sidebar at "100% Height" Although this seems to be working when I look at posts, when viewing pages there is a gap at the bottom, as you can see at this url. - http://magicalwonders.com/blog/about/

I really want the black background in the sidebar to reach the footer, like it does on this post - http://magicalwonders.com/blog/hello-world/

I can't see what to edit to achieve this, and would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction. :)

Many thanks,


2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
We are unable to produce error at our end. Please open a support ticket with ttr file at
by magicalwonders (1.9k points)
OK thank you. It looks like this was my error.

I didn't have sufficient content on the page. I've just tried adding some dummy text and the sidebars are no longer showing white space at the bottom. :)
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