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in Wordpress Themes by
Hello, is to make images that are posted on the slide show header? Thank you very much.

3 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
You can browse the images from More option in Slideshow header. Please follow the given instruction :

TemplateToaster -> Header -> Check Slideshow -> From Background section select the image or you can browse your own image.

If still you are getting problem with Slideshow, please follow the given link :

You can browse the images from More option in Slideshow header. Please follow the given instruction :

TemplateToaster -> Header -> Check Slideshow -> From Background section select the image or you can browse your own image.

If still you are getting problem with Slideshow, please follow the given link :


Hello, thanks for the reply. What I actually wanted to know if it is possible to image that was published in the post, the slide show automatically, without the need for plugins or something. (Example: I published an article about travel, and along with an image plane, the image will automatically appear on the slide of the homepage). Thank you very much.
by sarah (15.2k points)
Sorry for the inconvenience, but this feature is not available in TemplateToaster.
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