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in Wordpress Themes by grech1917 (780 points)
I have been struggling with this for ages....there must be something obvious I am missing!

How do I change the content on the pages. I need to be able to add content ,text and a slide-show, etc, etc...

Just can\\\'t find what sections to use to do this.

Any help is most appreciated.

2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)

You need to add the content from wordpress admin. TemplateToaster doesn\'t support the content adding within it.

To add slideshow please check the option of slideshow in Header tab and assign images from background section.
For further help checkout the demo\'s of TemplateToaster http://templatetoaster.com/demo
by grech1917 (780 points)
Thanks Sarah for your reply.

Does anyone know if this feature will be added soon - because right now this represents a major disadvantage for TT vs. Artisteer.
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